“Staying Strong in Transition”
From the Stewardship Committee
November 2024
Dear Parishioners,
As we stand at the beginning of a new chapter of our parish’s journey, we look ahead to discovering a continuing vision for a bright and healthy future.
In these times of transition, it’s vital that we come together, embracing the principles of stewardship that have long been the bedrock of our community. Stewardship is not merely a call to give; it is an invitation to participate in the unfolding story of our parish and to invest in the continued vitality and growth of the place we hold dear. Your pledge is not just a financial contribution; it is a testament to your faith in our collective future.
Let us also remember that our community’s strength lies in our unity and shared purpose. Every gesture, every pledge, every act of kindness contributes to a tapestry of care and commitment that will see us through this transition and into a flourishing future.
On behalf of the committee, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and generous contributions throughout this year. Your commitment and dedication have been instrumental in sustaining and enriching our parish community. Through your donations, time, and efforts, you’ve helped us reach new heights, touch lives, and make a meaningful impact.
I am particularly grateful for your pledges to our Capital Campaign. These pledges are a powerful testament to your faith in our vision and the long-term health of our parish. Your contributions will ensure that we can undertake vital projects, enhance our facilities, and continue to provide a welcoming environment for all. Thank you for being the heart and soul of our parish.
In the coming weeks, you will hear presentations at Sunday liturgies and receive other communication to encourage responsible stewardship among all members of our parish family. Consecration Sunday will follow after that on November 24, 2024, when we will celebrate God’s abundance in our lives.
This flyer provides both online and paper pledge instructions. Please visit the Christ Episcopal Church website where you can use the “EZ Pledge Button” to document your pledge for 2025.
With gratitude and blessings,
David Bischoff, Stewardship Committee chair
Melissa Keebler, Stewardship Committee member
Sandra Shoucair, Stewardship Committee member
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10
From the Rector
My dear parishioners:
It has been my experience that whenever we are faced with change, the real challenge isn’t so much with adapting to the new, but with coping with the transition. We do not do well with uncertainty. It’s never easy to let go of the stability and comfort of an established culture without knowing what will replace it. The same is especially true when it comes to a change in leadership. The parish is undergoing broad changes at every level. Both of our beloved deacons have now retired. You are having to face the prospect of finding and calling a new rector. Encouragingly though, you already have in place a new organist/choirmaster as well as a new Director of Christian Formation. These new additions can provide you with both inspiration and excitement.
Despite the uncertainty, I have no doubt that the parish will flourish in the years ahead. The reason for my confidence is simple. First, it has to do with you, the people of this parish. You are the strength and talent of our community. You embody the culture and spirit of this church. You are the ones who provide welcome and who encourage and animate our ministries and programs. You are the ones who embrace our visitors. Your Vestry members are committed and engaged. You are the constant amid the change, and I know that it is precisely your constancy that will sustain the parish in the time ahead.
Second, our parish has well-deployed resources. We have a strong foundation of vital programs and activities. With God’s help, we – and those who have come before us – have worked long and hard to create and sustain them. Again, I know that you will not want to see these ministries diminish or wither for lack of resources. This parish has the ongoing potential to bequeath an extraordinary legacy to those who come after us. In a world in which authentic Christian witness and teaching is in short supply, Christ Church is very much the city on the hill, with a light that shines brightly with the loving presence of Jesus Christ.
In short, now is time to affirm your commitment to our parish community by demonstrating your continuing support for her future and your love for those who have yet to flourish under her banner.
With much love and blessings,
The Rev. Canon James D. Shoucair
May God, who has begun a good work in you, continue until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1:6)
Some Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What is a pledge?
A: It is a deliberate response we choose to make to God’s grace in our lives. It is a statement of our support for God’s work through Christ Church. It is a commitment we make to our parish community.
Q: How much should I pledge?
A: Only you, after prayerful consideration, can answer that question! It might help you to reflect on:
- How Christ Church supports you in your spiritual journey.
- What Christ Church means to you in your daily life.
- How you want to support the ministries of Christ Church.
Q: If my life circumstances change, may I change my pledge?
A: Absolutely. Your pledge is not a legal promise, but is a joyful support for the ongoing life of the church. You may change it (down or up!) at any time!